Are your tired of wearing glasses and in the hurry to get rid of them?
the good news is you can get rid of these specs by just eating right.
Read the following reports of Bored Panda, and check out what do you
exactly need to eat to reduce your vision number or to keep your eyes
-- We've heard about carrots being really good for eyes since a very
long time and it is true. Carrots give good amount of vitamins which
help our eyes work well with the vision and be perfect and just the way
they are.
Green Veggies -- Lutein and zeaxanthin are really good for our eyes and
that's what exactly these green leafy vegetables give us. They help us
make our eyes stronger and our vision proper.
-- The yolk present in the egg is again present with a lot of lutein
and zeaxanthin and also zinc, apparently making your eyes vision
stronger and better.
and Berries -- Berries are yum and both of them have level of vitamin c
present in them which will help you protect your eyes. It will also
reduce the risk of cataracts.
Almonds -- They have a lot of vitamin E in them and it slows down the macular degeneration. Have a handful of these daily.
-- For whose who love to eat fish, here is good news for you. You can
now hog on fish and have a good time and maintain the health of your
eyes too.
Grain -- This will provide you with a lot of vitamin E and zinc and
niacin too. You can always switch to whole grain bread and pasta
wherever you can.